Brandon sawalich president
Brandon sawalich president

I also sent a letter to Brandon Sawalich, the President and CEO (Certified letter with a return receipt). So now, I get no tax deduction and they CONFISCATED my property! I spoke with Elizabeth Sweet, who continually denied my request for a receipt, in addition to denying to return my hearing aids to me. At week 10, I had heard nothing, so I called and they told me they aren't providing TD Receipts anymore.

brandon sawalich president

I donated these hearing aids in GOOD FAITH and waited 6-8 weeks they requested for a response. I printed out these materials so I would follow the instructions perfectly, included my return address and phone number.

brandon sawalich president

I found Starkey online and saw that they accepted donations and are a 501-c-3 organization, and they stated they would provide a tax deductible receipt for hearing aid donations. In 2021, I donated a set of practically new (worn 5-10x) Phonak hearing aids (worth ~$4500) I purchased in 2015 to Starkey Hearing Foundation.

Brandon sawalich president